10 Dog Nutrition Myths You Need to Stop Believing

You want the best for your furry friend, but there’s so much confusing information out there about what dogs should and shouldn’t eat. From raw food diets to grain-free kibble, everyone seems to have an opinion.

The truth is, many common beliefs about dog nutrition are actually myths that could be harming your pup’s health.

Photo credit: Chiemsee2024/Pixabay

That’s why I’ve put together a list busting the top 10 dog nutrition myths wide open.

1. Dogs Can Be Vegetarians

This myth claims dogs can survive just fine on a vegetarian diet. However, dogs are omnivores and need nutrients found in animal-based proteins. A vegetarian diet lacks certain essential nutrients dogs require. Removing meat from their diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

2. Table Scraps Are Okay for Treats  

Photo credit: katerinavulcova/Pixabay

While a tiny bite here and there likely won’t hurt, regularly feeding table scraps is not recommended. Human foods are often high in salt, fat, and other things that are unhealthy for dogs.

Too many table scraps can cause obesity, pancreatitis, and other health issues. Stick to dog treats formulated for their nutritional needs.

3. Grain-Free Food Is Healthier

The grain-free trend has many believing grains are bad for dogs. The truth is, grains provide healthy nutrients, fiber, and carbohydrates dogs need. Unless your dog has an allergy, whole grains can be part of a balanced diet. Grain-free doesn’t automatically mean healthier.

4. All Homemade Diets Are Better Than Kibble

While some homemade diets can be nutritious, they require careful planning to ensure complete and balanced nutrition. Simply cooking chicken and rice is not enough.

Without the right combination and portions of nutrients, homemade food could lead to deficiencies. Quality commercial kibble is perfectly healthy.

5. Dietary Supplements Are Essential

Photo credit: whitedaemon/Pixabay

Most healthy dogs don’t require extra supplements if they’re eating a complete and balanced commercial diet. Too many supplements, especially without vet guidance, can actually cause nutrient toxicities. Only use supplements if recommended for a specific condition.

6. Dogs Should Eat The Same Food Daily  

In the wild, dogs wouldn’t eat the same food every day. Variety of protein sources, grains, fruits, and veggies is healthy. Rotating through different quality commercial dog foods prevents nutritional deficiencies and picky eating habits.

7. Puppies Don’t Need Puppy Food

Puppy food is specially formulated with extra nutrients puppies need during their rapid growth phase. Adult dog food doesn’t have adequate levels of calories, protein, calcium, and other nutrients required for proper puppy development.

8. Feeding More Helps Grow Bigger

Simply feeding a puppy more food doesn’t make them grow bigger. A puppy’s adult size is determined by genetics and other factors. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and bone/joint issues from excess weight gain. Stick to recommended portions.

9. Senior Dogs Need Low Protein  

Photo credit: CJ/Pixabay

The myth claims senior dogs can’t digest protein well so need low-protein diets. In reality, senior dogs require adequate levels of high-quality protein to maintain muscle mass. Look for senior diets with controlled calories and appropriate protein levels.  

10. Canned Food Causes Dehydration

Canned foods contain a high moisture content, so they don’t dehydrate dogs like this myth claims. Dogs make up most of their water intake through their diet. Canned food can help increase water intake for dogs not drinking enough.


Proper nutrition is so important for your dog’s health and happiness. With all the conflicting advice out there, it’s easy to fall for common myths about what dogs should and shouldn’t eat.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Checkout some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.