10 Signs Your Marriage Might Be a Mistake

Marriage is meant to be a loving commitment, but what if it doesn’t feel right? Doubting your marriage is actually really common. The tough part is knowing whether your doubts are just pre-wedding nerves or real signs of trouble.

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This article will go over 10 major red flags that your marriage was a mistake. From nonstop fighting to growing apart, we’ll look at the telltale signs something isn’t working – without any sugar coating.

1. You Can’t Stop Fighting

Constant bickering and blowout arguments are never a good sign. If you can’t seem to resolve conflicts in a healthy way, it’s a major red flag. Fighting all the time builds resentment that’s hard to overcome.

At some point, the negativity starts outweighing the positive parts of your relationship. Frequent fighting might mean you’re not as compatible as you thought.

2. There’s No Intimacy 

Physical and emotional intimacy are important in any marriage. But if the passionate spark is completely gone, that’s a problem. You should feel comfortable being vulnerable and affectionate with your partner.

A lack of intimacy could mean you’ve grown apart or have unresolved issues blocking that closeness. Without that intimate connection, you might just be roommates.

3. You Don’t Trust Each Other

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Trust is the foundation for any strong relationship. If there’s infidelity or constant lies, how can you have a solid marriage? Maybe you just don’t feel like you can open up or be yourself.

Lack of trust often stems from deeper problems that need to be worked through, if possible. A marriage can’t survive without any trust.

4. Your Values Don’t Align

Over time, you might realize your core values and life priorities are really different from your spouse’s. Perhaps you disagree about fundamental issues like finances, parenting, or future goals.

Having conflicting values makes it difficult to get on the same page and be a team. You need shared values to nurture a healthy, fulfilling marriage.

5. You Have Totally Different Interests

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In a happy marriage, couples still maintain some independent interests and friends. But if you have absolutely nothing in common anymore, that’s not a good sign.

Doing nothing together might mean you’ve become completely different people who’ve grown apart.

6. You’re Staying for the Wrong Reasons

Are you only staying because of kids, finances, or what other people might think? Those are the wrong reasons to stay in an unhappy marriage.

An unhealthy situation shouldn’t be prolonged just due to outside factors. You have to decide if the marriage itself is worth saving, regardless of other circumstances. 

7. You’ve Both Stopped Trying

In any long-term relationship, you have to keep working hard on the marriage. But if you’ve both given up on making an effort, that’s a huge problem.

Neither partner is taking initiative or making the other feel valued and appreciated. A marriage can’t survive if you both check out mentally and emotionally.

8. The Spark Is Completely Gone

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Every marriage goes through periods where that “spark” fades for a while – that’s normal. However, if there’s zero chemistry, flirtation, or romantic connection left at all, that’s troubling. 

The spark keeps that passion alive and draws you closer together. If the spark is extinguished, you might feel more like roommates than spouses.

9. You Fantasize About Being Single 

Some days, everyone has moments of missing their single life. But actively fantasizing about it constantly likely means something is seriously lacking in your marriage.

These fantasies reveal unmet needs and could mean you see freedom in being independent again. Frequent single fantasies suggest you may be holding onto the idea of a better life without your spouse.

10. You’re Staying Only Because of the Kids

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Many people remain in unhappy marriages solely for the sake of their children. However, raising kids in an environment of parental fighting and unhappiness isn’t healthy either.

As difficult as divorce is, sometimes it’s better for kids than modeling an unsatisfying, dysfunctional marriage. Kids need to see their parents feeling loved and content, even if that means separating.


If you’re experiencing several of these red flags, it’s a sign that there are real issues in your marriage that need to be addressed. Don’t ignore the signs or keep telling yourself everything will work itself out. Have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about your concerns.

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.