11 Things That Get Under Gen Z’s Skin

Being a Gen Zer sure isn’t easy these days. From rapidly changing technology to serious global issues, this generation has a lot on their plate. No wonder they get easily annoyed by certain things!

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Everyone has pet peeves, but Gen Zers seem to have a special list of gripes and grumbles. Maybe it’s their constant use of social media that amplifies irritations. Or maybe they just have a low tolerance for nonsense. Either way, there are some surefire things that will get under any Gen Z’s skin in an instant.

1. Slow WiFi

For the constantly connected Gen Z, few things are more maddening than a sluggish internet connection. They rely on having instant access to stream shows, play games, and chat with friends online.

Buffering and loading issues are torture for their need for real-time info and entertainment. Just a few seconds of lag can feel like an eternity to this impatient generation.

2. Cringeworthy Social Media Posts  

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Gen Zers live their lives on social apps like TikTok and Instagram. That’s why they can’t stand embarrassing or try-hard posts from older people trying (and failing) to be “cool” and “relatable.” Parents awkwardly using Gen Z slang is a sure-fire cringe fest.

3. Entitled Complainers

This gripe-weary generation has little tolerance for entitled people who constantly whine and complain about every little thing. Gen Zers believe if you have a problem, either fix it or deal with it – don’t moan endlessly.

4. People Chewing Loudly 

Photo credit: Vika_Glitter/Pixabay

Noisy eaters who smack, slurp and chomp away drive Gen Zers absolutely crazy. The gross sound seems to grate on their nerves in an exaggerated way. Maybe it’s their hyper-awareness and short fuses, but loud chewing is one disturbance they absolutely can’t tolerate in any setting. 

5. Tech Illiteracy

Having grown up with smartphones and apps, Gen Zers have virtually no patience for people who lack basic tech abilities. They get easily irritated by those who can’t even grasp simple digital functions like setting up WiFi or downloading apps.

6. Unsolicited Advice  

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This self-assured generation definitely does not appreciate unsolicited advice or lectures, especially from older generations. Gen Zers believe they can figure things out themselves through research and their own experiences.

7. Outdated Slang  

There’s nothing more cringey to a Gen Zer’s ears than hearing older people use outdated slang phrases from their youth. Sayings like “groovy,” “bad,” or “psyche!” are immediate eye-roll material. To Gen Z, it’s just embarrassing and trying way too hard to relate.

8. Close-Mindedness

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Being open-minded and inclusive is hugely important to Gen Z. That’s why they can’t stand closed-minded people who discriminate or insult others based on race, sexuality, gender etc. Gen Z believes in respecting everyone’s identity and differences.

9. Boomers on Social Media

Unfortunately, some Gen Zers carry resentment towards the Boomer generation as a whole, especially their presence on social apps. They find older people’s memes and political takes super annoying and out-of-touch.

10. Basic Influencers

While Gen Z loves influencer culture, they can’t stand influencers who come across as disingenuous, materialistic, or basic. Influencers who constantly promote products or brag about luxuries get major sneers. Gen Z wants influencers who are authentic, expressive, and use their voice for positive change.

11. Gatekeeping Interests

Photo credit: PIRO4D/Pixabay

Gen Z celebrates niche interests and being true to yourself. That’s why they can’t stand gatekeeping attitudes that tell people they’re not a “real fan” unless they follow strict criteria. They believe there’s room for everyone under the tent for interests like gaming, sci-fi, sports, etc. Exclusionary attitudes are a major turnoff.


While Gen Z’s pet peeves may seem excessive or silly, they reflect the unique experiences and mindset of this generation. From their reliance on technology to their values around inclusivity, certain behaviors really rub Gen Zers the wrong way.

By understanding where they’re coming from, we can all try to be more considerate of their generational gripes. A little empathy can go a long way in bridging pesky intergenerational divides.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Check out some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.