11 Weird Yet Fascinating Canadian Traditions

You know, I always thought Canada was just about hockey and saying “sorry” a lot. But the other day, I was explaining some the traditions to my cousin from abroad, and boy, did I get some strange looks! It hit me that what’s totally normal for Canucks might seem downright bizarre to everyone else.

That got me thinking about all the strange yet totally cool things we do up here in the Great White North. I’ve rounded up 11 of our weirdest traditions that’ll make you proud to be Canadian – or maybe scratch your head if you’re not from around here.

Kissing the Cod

Image Credit: Alexa from Pixabay

In Newfoundland, newcomers often have to kiss a cod fish to become honorary locals. It’s part of a ceremony called “Screech-In.” You also have to drink some Screech rum and say a funny phrase. It’s weird, but it’s a fun way to welcome people to the island.

Maple Syrup Snow Taffy

Image Credit: piviso from Pixabay

We pour hot maple syrup on clean snow to make a sweet treat. As it cools, it gets sticky and you roll it up on a stick. It’s super messy but super delicious. This tradition is especially popular during winter festivals.

Polar Bear Swims

Image Credit: John from Pixabay

On New Year’s Day, some brave (or crazy) Canadians jump into freezing cold water. It’s supposed to start the year off with a fresh, chilly splash. Some people wear costumes to make it even more fun. I’ve never been brave enough to try it!

Sourtoe Cocktail

Image Credit: (El Caminante) from Pixabay

In Dawson City, Yukon, there’s a drink that comes with a real, mummified human toe. The rule is “You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe.” It’s gross, but thousands of people have done it.

The Log Driver’s Waltz

Image Credit: Thomas Mühl from Pixabay

This is a silly animated video about log drivers that almost every Canadian kid has seen. It’s about lumberjacks who ride logs down rivers. The song is super catchy and many of us can still sing it years later.

Milk in Bags

Image Credit: Couleur from Pixabay

In some parts of Canada, we buy our milk in plastic bags instead of cartons. We put the bag in a special jug and snip off the corner to pour. It might seem strange, but it’s normal for us and better for the environment.

Poutine Eating Contests

Image Credit: 2sif Farooqui from Pixabay

Poutine is our famous dish of fries, gravy, and cheese curds. Some places hold contests to see who can eat the most poutine. It’s messy, greasy, and totally Canadian. The winner gets bragging rights and probably a stomachache!

Bathtub Races

Image Credit: PDImage from Pixabay

In Nanaimo, BC, people race bathtubs turned into boats. They decorate the tubs and zoom across the water. It started as a joke but became a real annual event. It’s as silly as it sounds, but super fun to watch.

Moose Calling Championships

Image Credit: wal_172619 from Pixabay

Yes, we have competitions to see who can make the best moose sound. Contestants use their voices or special tools to make moose calls. It’s part of hunting culture but has become a quirky sport of its own.

Red Green Duct Tape

Image Credit: WikimediaImages from Pixabay

There’s a Canadian TV show character who fixes everything with duct tape. He made duct tape a national symbol of DIY spirit. Now, using duct tape for creative fixes is seen as very Canadian.

Caesar Cocktails

Image Credit: Anil sharma from Pixabay

This drink is like a Bloody Mary, but we use Clamato juice instead of tomato juice. That’s right, it has clam juice in it! It’s our national cocktail and we love it, even though it sounds weird to others.

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Image Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.