12 Warning Signs Your Phone Has Been Hacked and What To Do About It

You may not realize it, but your phone could be under attack from hackers and cybercriminals right now. Sounds crazy, but it’s an unfortunate reality in our hyper-connected world.

Bad actors are constantly trying to break into devices and steal personal data.

Photo credit: satheeshsankaran/pixabay

Having your smartphone compromised is one of the worst violations of privacy and security. All your texts, photos, internet history – even your location and microphone access could potentially be exploited. It’s a massive nightmare scenario.

The tricky part is spotting the warning signs before too much damage is done. Skilled hackers can sneak malware onto your device without you ever knowing. But there are subtle red flags that can clue you in if you know what to look for. Pay close attention to any strange phone behavior – if you notice several of these shady symptoms, it’s probably time to take action.

Battery Draining Crazy Fast

Photo credit: Julio Lopez/Pexels

If your phone battery is just draining way faster than normal lately, it could definitely be a sign that hackers have infiltrated your device. Malicious malware and viruses love to run tons of processes in the background without you knowing, using up precious battery life at an alarming rate.

A battery drain so quick that it seems suspicious is a major red flag. Keep an eye out and don’t just brush it off as your battery is old – it may very well be a hacker’s doing. Suddenly having to charge your phone multiple times per day is not normal.

Weird Data Usage Spikes

Most of us tend to stick to pretty consistent data usage habits each month based on our online behaviors and apps. But if you get an alert that your data usage has suddenly spiked through the roof for no apparent reason, it’s a huge potential red flag that hackers may have control of your phone.

They could be using your hijacked internet connection for all kinds of shady, malicious activities behind your back. Any sudden, drastic, and unexplained data spikes are incredibly shady and worth investigating immediately.

Strange New Apps Appearing

Photo credit: MariusMB/Pixabay

Think about it for a second – when was the last time you actually and intentionally downloaded a brand new, random app to your phone? Most of us stick to the same stuff. So if you start noticing weird app icons popping up that you know for a fact you didn’t install yourself, there’s a very good chance they’re malicious malware.

Hackers absolutely love to load compromised devices up with corrupt apps to cause chaos and mine data. If any suspicious app appears, delete it from your phone immediately.

Phone Overheating Like Crazy

While our phones can certainly run a bit hot to the touch when we’re using them for heated gaming sessions or running multiple apps, they shouldn’t be overheating and burning up for no good reason.

If your device is super, unusually hot to the touch when you aren’t even using it, it could definitely mean malware is going buck wild behind the scenes. Don’t just ignore excessive, abnormal overheating that doesn’t make sense. Get to the bottom of what process is causing that heat.

Outgoing Texts/Calls You Never Made

Nothing is more unsettling than checking your phone’s logs and seeing text messages in your outbox or missed calls on your dial list that you 100% know you didn’t send or make.

This is a classic, blatant sign that hackers have taken control of your phone’s communication systems and are infiltrating your private convos. If you spot this red flag, you’ll definitely want to look into getting your mobile security locked down right away before the breach gets worse.

Battery Going From Full to Zero Overnight

Photo credit: StockSnap/Pixabay

Sure, our phone batteries can drain a bit overnight as routine system updates and background processes do their thing. But if you’re regularly waking up to find your phone basically dead by morning even after going to bed with a full charge, it’s a very suspicious sign you can’t ignore.

Malware slurping away precious battery juice 24/7 could easily be to blame for this repeated, aggressive battery depletion. Make sure to monitor if this out-of-control overnight drain keeps happening.

Aggressive Ads Popping Up Everywhere

We all know those annoying ads are just a regular part of browsing the internet and using apps nowadays. But if you’ve suddenly started seeing way more aggressive, flashy, spam-loaded advertisements constantly popping up – even when you aren’t actually browsing or using certain apps – it could be a red flag.

Hackers may have hijacked your device and installed adware meant to harass you with relentless promos and track your data.

Every App Crashing Constantly

Photo credit: LoboStudioHamburg/Pixabay

While we’re certainly no strangers to apps being buggy and needing updates, if it seems like every single application on your phone is crashing continuously no matter what you do, there’s likely an underlying issue causing the problem.

Malicious malware could actually be the culprit behind all those constant app crashes, freezes, and general sluggishness. This kind of full system meltdown is a warning sign.

Phone Randomly Rebooting

Having your smartphone just suddenly restart or reboot out of nowhere – especially when you aren’t even using it or running intense tasks – is definitely not normal!

While this can occasionally happen, if it starts becoming a frequent and seemingly random pattern, there may be hackers behind the madness who have found a way to hijack your device and force resets. Don’t ignore this unless you want your phone to stay compromised.

Weird Background Noise on Calls

Do you sometimes hear an odd staticky noise, words getting chopped up, or other bizarre feedback and interference when you’re on regular voice calls or video chats? And this ambient nuisance occurs no matter where you are or what network you’re on?

Hackers may have actually hijacked your phone’s microphone to slyly listen in on all your private conversations. Any consistent weird background noise during calls is worth investigating further.

Camera Working Randomly By Itself

Photo credit: Pexels/Pixabay

Most of us probably aren’t the kind of people who are just randomly taking photographs and videos every hour of the day, right?

So if you ever notice your phone’s camera seems to just turn itself on and start snapping away out of nowhere – and this happens repeatedly when you aren’t willingly using it – you may have a very serious breach on your hands. Hackers could hijack your camera to spy on you. This paranoia-inducing activity needs to be addressed.

Uncontrollable, Involuntary Web Browsing

Photo credit: Matheus Bertelli/Pexels

Have you ever tried to visit a website on your phone, only for the browser to wildly take you somewhere completely different that you didn’t even click on at all? And this happens frequently and seemingly out of your control?

That’s a classic sign that malware of some kind has hijacked your mobile’s web browser and is pushing out spam pages for shady revenue or more malicious reasons. If this involuntary, uncontrollable web browsing happens frequently, you’ve got a very real hacking problem.

Pay close attention to the red flags we just covered. If you notice several happening on your phone, it’s quite likely that hackers and cybercriminals have already gained a foothold. From odd battery issues and overheating to crashed apps and shady browsing, those are all telltale signs of malware hijacking your device.

The hard truth is skilled hackers are constantly trying to break into our smartphones and steal data. If you’re noticing several of these warning signs, don’t just ignore them and hope they go away.

The last thing you want is for criminals to have free rein over your emails, social media accounts, banking apps, and more sensitive data. Protect your privacy and digital life by keeping a watchful eye out for hacking red flags at all times. When you spot them, make securing your phone an immediate priority. A few simple steps can save you a world of hurt down the road.

Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Check out some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.