13 Retro Boomer Habits That Are Trending Once More

Admit it, we all like to poke a little fun at outdated habits from the Boomer generation. You know, stuff like writing physical letters, using landline phones, or actually printing out photos. It’s all a bit cringe and so…vintage, right?

Well, joke’s on us because a lot of those “old person things” our parents or grandparents used to do are now totally trending again! Yep, Gen Z and younger Millennials are breathing new life into classic Boomer pastimes and making them straight-up cool.

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexel

This list of 13 old-school Boomer tendencies getting a Gen Z reboot is about to make you rethink writing off anything as outdated forever. You might just find yourself hopping on these retro bandwagons sooner than you think!


Remember those dated diaries with locks on them? Keeping a physical journal is making a major comeback, especially among Gen Z.

Writing out thoughts and experiences longhand helps reduce screen time and improves mindfulness. Many find it therapeutic for self-reflection. Trendy stationery brands are catering to the journal revival with chic, Instagrammable notebooks.

Baking From Scratch

In the time-crunched modern era, baking was nearly replaced by pre-made mixes and treats. But now, younger generations are returning to the cozier merits of baking from scratch. It’s a productive hands-on hobby that feels rewarding.

Not to mention, homemade goods just taste better! Pandemic lockdowns accelerated this back-to-basics trend.

Board Game Nights

Photo credit: Peggychoucair/Pixabay

For years, video games dominated the gaming scene. But unplugging for an old-fashioned board game night is becoming surprisingly popular again, especially for groups and families.

Beloved classics like Monopoly or Scrabble encourage real human interaction. Plus, they’re just nostalgic fun! Game cafes and bars are popping up in major cities to meet demand.

Practical Fashion

Boomers were all about sporting functional, no-frills “dad” styles back in the day. Well, ugly sneakers, cargo shorts, and basic tees are now trendy hallmarks of an increasingly popular utilitarian fashion aesthetic.

Younger crowds embrace these comfy, practical looks for their ease and retro charm. Fashion-forward dressing is out, dressing for pure practicality is in!

Going to Movie Theaters

With the rise of streaming, seeing a movie in an actual theater felt like a dated concept. However, thanks to the pandemic streaming fatigue, moviegoing is experiencing a Gen Z and Millennial-led revival.

There’s a refreshed appreciation for the immersive, communal experience of watching a film in theaters – the way it’s meant to be seen!

Collecting Vinyl Records

Photo credit: carolmalmeida03/Pixabay

Younger music fans are increasingly ditching digital for the warm analog sounds and larger artwork of good ol’ vinyl records.

What was once seen as an outdated, high-maintenance format from the Boomer era is now a mainstream comeback. Record stores and portable vinyl players are booming to meet skyrocketing demand.

Landline Phones

Quickly becoming a hipster household novelty, landlines are regaining popularity. There’s an appeal to their simplicity compared to smartphones.

No distractions, just straightforward voice calls. Some vintage rotary models are even coveted collector’s items now. Younger folks enjoy the distraction-free disconnection landlines provide.

Saving Photos in Photo Albums

Carefully curated photo albums filled with printed-out pictures were once a Boomer’s prized possession. That hands-on, tangible concept is now becoming a trendy way for younger generations to cherish and organize their digital photo libraries into physical keepsakes, propelled by the availability of compact photo printers.

Low-Tech Hobbies

Boomers were big on simpler hobbies that didn’t rely on screens or tech, like scrapbooking, woodworking, or collecting stamps. These kinds of wholesome analog pastimes are seeing a major resurgence as younger people look to unplug.

There’s something calming about learning a classic handicraft and making something with your own two hands.

Letters and Cards

Photo credit: margarita_kochneva/Pixabay

In the era of instant digital messaging, receiving a heartfelt letter or card in the mail feels incredibly quaint and sentimental these days. Yet that very nostalgia is driving Gen Z and Millennials to start sending out physical mail again.

Greeting card companies and trendy stationery brands alike report booming letter-writing product sales.

Road Trips

Remember piling into the family station wagon with no set agenda? Wanderlust-driven younger travelers are now embracing the great American road trip revival.

Hitting the open road with friends, staying at kitschy motels, and stumbling upon funky roadside attractions make for a true analog, off-the-grid adventure. Thanks to van life trends, Boomers’ free-spirited road tripping is back.

Drive-In Theaters

Going to a vintage-style drive-in movie is now the ultimate trendy night out, believe it or not! These retro outdoor cinemas from the Boomer era were nearly extinct until a surge of younger movie fans rediscovered the charm.

Now, new drive-ins are rapidly popping back up to deliver that low-tech nostalgic experience.

Thrifting and Antiquing

Photo credit: congerdesign/Pixabay

Gen Z and Millennials can’t get enough of hitting up local thrift stores or flea markets to go antiquing and score kitschy secondhand gems.

Throwback boomer-chic homewares and clothing are highly coveted finds as vintage-inspired aesthetics dominate interior design and fashion trends. The thrill of the thrifty hunt is reeling in younger generations.

After looking at all these formerly outdated Boomer pastimes that are finding new life, it’s clear that what’s old can absolutely become new again! From tending veggie gardens to writing letters, a lot of the hobbies and habits our parents or grandparents once lived by are suddenly feeling fresh and relevant.

So don’t be too quick to dismiss any of your elders’ charming quirks or outdated hobbies as lame or crusty. You never know when one of those signature Boomer pastimes might just emerge as the next big trend that everyone’s obsessed with!

Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Checkout some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.