13 Types of Women Who May Be Tough to Date

Finding an amazing romantic partner is tough. The dating pool is filled with plenty of wonderful women, but also troublemakers guaranteed to make your life miserable. Maybe you’ve already dated one of these nightmares. Or heard the horror stories.

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Certain types of women are toxic and dysfunctional – the kind that should send you running if you get involved.

Getting entangled with them can jeopardize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Study up on these 13 types so you can spot the hazardous ones from a mile away.

1. The Narcissist

She’s extremely self-absorbed, lacks empathy, and requires constant admiration and praise. A relationship with her means it’s all about her needs, her desires, her problems.

Your feelings and perspectives are disregarded. With a narcissist, you’ll always come second to her insatiable ego.

2. The Clinger  

This woman is needy, insecure, and smothers you with excessive attention and demands for reassurance. She can’t respect boundaries and may try to cut you off from friends and family. Her clinginess and jealousy can quickly turn suffocating.

3. The Drama Queen

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Every minor issue is turned into a soap opera-worthy crisis with this chronically over-dramatic partner.

She craves constant chaos, conflict, and being the center of attention no matter how insignificant the matter. Rational thinking and calm discussion are not her forte. 

4. The Flake

Flakiness and unrelenting unreliability are her defining traits. This woman has no issue frequently bailing on plans, letting you down, and breaking promises repeatedly with excuse after excuse. Counting on her for anything is a lost cause.

5. The Cheater

Infidelity is just par for the course with this chronically unfaithful type. She has a wandering eye and no qualms about cheating, lying, and breaking trust over and over. Monogamy is not in her vocabulary.

6. The User

This self-serving woman sees you solely as a means to an end – whether for money, status, ego-stroking, or other personal gain. She’s manipulative and has no issue exploiting you for her benefit. Your value is merely what you can provide.

7. The Party Girl  

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Her whole life is a never-ending celebration filled with booze, drugs, hookups, and regrettable decisions. Immaturity and irresponsibility are her calling cards as she treats life like one big spring break. Don’t expect her to take anything seriously.

8. The Gaslighter

With this psychologically manipulative partner, you’ll be constantly questioning your own reality, memory, and sanity. She’s a pro at denial, misdirection, and making you feel crazy. The truth is whatever narrative suits her agenda.  

9. The Control Freak

An obsessive need for power and control over every aspect of your life defines this overbearing woman. She has to dominate and micromanage you like a dictator with zero compromises. Her way or the highway is the cardinal rule.

10. The Materialistic Gold Digger

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For this high-maintenance, status-obsessed woman, designer labels and an extravagant lifestyle funded by your wallet are all that matter. Looks and money are her highest values. Substance takes a back seat to shallow pursuits.

11. The Social Media Addict

Her entire existence is filtered through the lens of cultivating the perfect online persona and image. She cares more about crafting the right selfies and captions than being present in real life. Expect constant phone scrolling and staged moments.

12. The Jealous & Possessive One  

Intense jealousy, paranoia over fidelity, and excessive ownership over your time, friends, and independence are hallmarks of this suffocating, volatile partner. Walking on eggshells is the norm.

13. The One With Peter Pan Syndrome

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Women with Peter pan syndrome refuse to take on normal adult responsibilities and commitments, this eternally immature woman fails to grow up and still acts like a reckless teenager. Don’t expect her to be a reliable, grounded partner.


While no one is perfect, being in a relationship with any of these types of women is likely to bring far more stress and misery than happiness. It’s best to steer clear if you spot the major red flags early on.

Having the self-respect to avoid these toxic partners can save you from a world of heartache down the line.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Checkout some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.