14 Radical Ways Vacationers Are Unplugging to Beat Tech Stress

Feeling stressed even on vacation? You’re not alone. Many of us can’t seem to put our phones down, even when we’re supposed to be relaxing. But some clever travelers have found wild ways to ditch their devices and actually enjoy their time off.

From old-school map reading to hiring “phone sitters,” here are 14 surprising methods people are using to unplug and truly recharge on their getaways.

1. Tech-Free Resorts

Image Credit: Alexander Gresbek/Pixabay

Some hotels now offer “digital detox” packages. They take away your devices when you check in and give them back when you leave. It might sound scary, but many guests say it’s the most relaxing vacation they’ve ever had.

2. Old-School Cameras

Image Credit: Huang Cheng/Pexels

Forget smartphone cameras. Some travelers are bringing back disposable or film cameras. It’s fun to wait and see how your pictures turn out. Plus, you won’t be tempted to post every photo right away.

3. “Dumb” Phones

Image Credit: Wolfgang Claussen/Pixabay

Some people are switching to basic phones that can only call and text. These phones can’t go online or use apps. It’s a good middle ground if you still want to stay in touch but avoid distractions.

4. Phone-Sitting Services

Image Credit: Rodrigo Salomón Cañas/Pixabay

Yes, this is a real thing! Some companies will hold onto your phone while you’re on vacation. They’ll check for important messages and let you know if there’s an emergency.

5. Hired Photographers

Image Credit: Pexels/Pixabay

Some vacationers are hiring local photographers for a day instead of taking their own photos. This way, they can be in the moment and still have great pictures to remember their trip. It’s like having a personal paparazzi!

6. Paper Maps and Guidebooks

Image Credit: y Grégory ROOSE/Pixabay

Remember when we used to find our way without GPS? More people are using paper maps and guidebooks on their trips. It’s a great way to explore and maybe even get lost on purpose!

7. Screen-Free Game Nights

Image Credit: ErikaWittlieb/Pixabay

Many vacationers are bringing back old-fashioned board games and card games. They set aside evenings for fun, face-to-face play without any screens in sight. It’s a great way to bond with travel companions and even make new friends at hostels or resorts.

8. Tech-Free Travel Groups

Image Credit: Mike Wall/Pixabay

Some tour companies now offer tech-free group trips. Everyone agrees to leave their devices behind and enjoy each other’s company instead. It’s a great way to make new friends and really see the world.

9. Nature-Only Trips

Image Credit: Darren Collis/Pixabay

Many folks are choosing vacations where there’s no cell service anyway. Think camping, hiking, or staying in a remote cabin. When there’s no signal, there’s no temptation to check your phone.

10. Device-Free Sunsets

Image Credit: 12019/Pixabay

This is when you turn off all your devices at sunset each day. It helps you enjoy the evenings and sleep better. Plus, you might see some amazing real sunsets instead of just taking pictures of them!

11. Analog Hobbies

Image Credit: StockSnap/Pixabay

Many travelers are picking up old-school hobbies for their trips. Things like sketching, knitting, or writing in a journal can keep your hands busy without a screen. It’s a fun way to remember your trip, too.

12. One-Way Tickets

Image Credit: StockSnap/Pixabay

More adventurous types are buying one-way tickets and planning as they go. Without a set schedule, there’s less need to be online all the time. It can lead to some exciting surprises.

13. Silent Retreats

Image Credit: Vikramjit Kakati/Pixabay

More people are trying silent retreats for their vacations. These places don’t allow talking or any kind of tech. It might sound boring, but many say it’s very peaceful. You might be surprised how much you learn about yourself when you’re not distracted.

14. Tech-Free Travel Days

Image Credit: Republica/Pixabay

Some travelers are setting “tech-free days” during their trips. They pick one or two days to completely unplug. No phones, no cameras, no gadgets at all. It’s a chance to really see and feel the place you’re visiting.

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.