15 Modern Actions That Would Disappoint Jesus

I often find myself wondering what Jesus would think if he walked among us today. With all our modern gadgets and ways of life, would he be impressed or shake his head in disappointment? It’s a question that’s been bugging me lately.

I’ve been looking around at how we live and act in today’s world, and I’ve spotted 15 things that I think might make Jesus raise an eyebrow – or maybe even facepalm. Now, I’m not here to preach or judge. We’re all human, after all. But I think it’s worth taking a moment to consider how our modern actions stack up against what Jesus taught.

Ignoring the homeless

Image Credit: Alexander Fox | PlaNet Fox from Pixabay

We often walk past people in need without a second glance. Jesus taught us to help the poor and care for those less fortunate. He spent time with outcasts and showed compassion to everyone. I think he’d be sad to see us turn a blind eye to those struggling on our streets.

Obsessing over social media likes

Image Credit: Pete Linforth from Pixabay

We’re so focused on getting attention online that we forget to connect in real life. Jesus taught the importance of genuine relationships and loving our neighbors. He’d probably wonder why we care more about virtual thumbs-up than actually helping people. I bet he’d encourage us to put down our phones and talk face-to-face more often.

Judging others based on appearance

Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We’re quick to make assumptions about people based on how they look or dress. Jesus hung out with all kinds of people and taught us not to judge. He looked at people’s hearts, not their outsides. I think he’d want us to be more open-minded and kind to everyone we meet.

Accumulating wealth while others suffer

Image Credit: Stefan Wiegand from Pixabay

Many of us focus on getting rich while ignoring those in need. Jesus warned about the dangers of loving money too much. He taught about sharing what we have and storing up treasures in heaven instead of on earth. I bet he’d encourage us to be more generous with our time and money.

Treating the environment carelessly

Image Credit: Sergei Tokmakov from Pixabay

We often don’t think twice about littering or wasting resources. Jesus often used nature in his teachings and clearly valued God’s creation. He taught us to be good stewards of what we’re given. I think he’d want us to take better care of our planet.

Gossiping and spreading rumors

Image Credit: Sofia Shultz from Pixabay

It’s so easy to share juicy stories about others, even if we’re not sure they’re true. Jesus taught about the power of our words and the importance of truth. He’d probably remind us how hurtful gossip can be and encourage us to speak kindly about others instead.

Neglecting family for work

Image Credit: mickey970 from Pixabay

Many of us prioritize our jobs over spending time with loved ones. Jesus taught about the importance of family and relationships. He took time for people, even when he was busy. I think he’d remind us that no job is more important than the people we love.

Being addicted to screens

Image Credit: Lalmch from Pixabay

We spend hours staring at phones, computers, and TVs instead of engaging with the world around us. Jesus was all about being present and connecting with people. He’d probably encourage us to look up more often and notice the beauty and needs around us.

Refusing to forgive

Image Credit: SAIYED IRFAN A from Pixabay

We often hold grudges and refuse to let go of past hurts. Jesus taught a lot about forgiveness, even telling us to forgive our enemies. He forgave people who were crucifying him. I think he’d want us to work harder at letting go of anger and choosing to forgive.

Ignoring mental health

Image Credit: WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay

Many of us still stigmatize mental health issues or pretend they don’t exist. Jesus cared for people’s whole being – body, mind, and spirit. He showed compassion to those suffering in all ways. I bet he’d want us to take mental health seriously and support those who are struggling.

Discriminating against others

Image Credit: Ohmydearlife from Pixabay

We still judge people based on race, gender, or background. Jesus welcomed everyone and treated all people with respect. He crossed social boundaries to show God’s love to all. I think he’d be disappointed to see us still dividing ourselves based on our differences.

Overconsuming and wasting

Image Credit: Pexels from Pixabay

We buy more than we need and throw away so much. Jesus taught about contentment and not worrying about material things. He’d probably encourage us to live more simply and share our extra with others instead of wasting it.

Worshipping celebrities

Image Credit: WikiImages from Pixabay

We often idolize famous people, hanging on their every word and action. Jesus taught that God should be at the center of our lives, not other humans. He warned against following false idols and putting anyone above God.

Ignoring world issues

Image Credit: stokpic from Pixabay

It’s easy to focus on our own lives and ignore big problems happening around the world. Jesus cared about justice and taught us to love our neighbors – even those far away. He’d probably want us to be more aware of global issues and do our part to help, even in small ways.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Checkout some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.