Ever wonder what’s really going on with Gen Z? These young folks, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, are often misunderstood. People say all sorts of things about them, but how much of it is true?

In this article, I’ll be busting 20 myths about Gen Z you might not know about.
1. Always Online
Myth: Gen Z is glued to screens 24/7.
Truth: They know how to balance online and offline life. Many Gen Z-ers enjoy outdoor activities and face-to-face hangouts. They’re actually good at switching between digital and real-world interactions.
2. Short Attention Span
Myth: Gen Z can’t focus for long.
Truth: They have great “filter attention” to sort through lots of info quickly. Gen Z can concentrate deeply when something interests them. They just prefer not to waste time on things they find boring.
3. Lazy Workers
Myth: Gen Z is lazy and entitled at work.
Truth: They’re actually hard workers who value work-life balance. Gen Z often has side hustles and creative projects. They just want their work to have meaning and impact.
4. Tech Experts
Myth: All Gen Z-ers are tech wizards.
Truth: They’re comfortable with technology but not all are experts. Some struggle with basic computer skills or older tech. Gen Z is good at using apps but might not know how they work behind the scenes.
5. Snowflakes
Myth: Gen Z is overly sensitive and can’t handle criticism.
Truth: They’re actually very resilient and adaptable. Gen Z has grown up with constant change and uncertainty. They’re good at handling stress and finding solutions to problems.
6. Anti-Social
Myth: Gen Z doesn’t know how to socialize in person.
Truth: They value real connections and often prefer face-to-face talks for important stuff. Gen Z is great at making friends online and offline. They just communicate differently than older generations.
7. Disloyal to Brands
Myth: Gen Z has no brand loyalty.
Truth: They’re loyal to brands that share their values. Gen Z does a lot of research before buying. They stick with brands that are honest, ethical, and socially responsible.
8. Can’t Write
Myth: Gen Z can only write in emojis and text speak.
Truth: They can switch between casual and formal writing easily. Gen Z often writes creatively on platforms like Wattpad. They just use different styles for different situations.
9. Politically Ignorant
Myth: Gen Z doesn’t care about politics.
Truth: They’re actually very politically engaged and informed. Gen Z uses social media to learn about and discuss important issues. They’re passionate about making positive changes in the world.
10. No Privacy Concerns
Myth: Gen Z doesn’t care about online privacy.
Truth: They’re actually very aware of privacy issues. Gen Z often uses privacy settings and is careful about what they share online. They just have different ideas about privacy than older generations.
11. Can’t Handle Money
Myth: Gen Z is bad with money.
Truth: Many are actually quite financially savvy. Gen Z learned from seeing older generations struggle with debt. They use apps to budget, save, and even invest in stocks or cryptocurrency.
12. Always Depressed
Myth: All Gen Z-ers are depressed and anxious.
Truth: While mental health is a concern, many Gen Z-ers are positive and hopeful. They’re open about mental health, which can seem like more problems. Gen Z is actually good at seeking help and supporting each other.
13. Hate Reading
Myth: Gen Z doesn’t read books.
Truth: They read a lot, just in different formats. Gen Z enjoys e-books, audiobooks, and online stories. They also read a ton of articles and long-form content on their phones.
14. Can’t Cook
Myth: Gen Z can’t cook and only eats takeout.
Truth: Many are actually into cooking and trying new recipes. Gen Z uses YouTube and TikTok to learn cooking skills. They’re interested in healthy eating and diverse cuisines.
15. Unrealistic Career Goals
Myth: Gen Z all want to be influencers or YouTubers.
Truth: Most have realistic career goals in various fields. Gen Z is interested in stable jobs with growth potential. They’re also more likely to start their own businesses.
16. No Real-World Skills
Myth: Gen Z lacks practical life skills.
Truth: They’re actually quite resourceful and adaptable. Gen Z uses online tutorials to learn everything from changing a tire to filing taxes. They just learn these skills differently than previous generations.
17. Disrespectful to Elders
Myth: Gen Z doesn’t respect older generations.
Truth: They respect experience but also value their own opinions. Gen Z is open to learning from elders who treat them as equals. They just communicate more directly, which can seem disrespectful to some.
18. Addicted to Social Media
Myth: Gen Z is hopelessly addicted to social media.
Truth: They’re actually good at recognizing unhealthy social media habits. Many Gen Z-ers take breaks from social media or limit their use. They use these platforms as tools, not as their whole life.
19. Can’t Communicate
Myth: Gen Z can’t communicate well in person.
Truth: They have great communication skills, just different styles. Gen Z is good at expressing themselves through various media. They’re often more inclusive and aware of different perspectives in conversations.
20. No Work Ethic
Myth: Gen Z has no work ethic.
Truth: They work hard but prioritize differently than older generations. Gen Z values efficiency and working smarter, not just longer hours. They’re motivated by purpose and personal growth in their work.
After busting these 20 myths, it’s clear that this generation is way more awesome and complicated than most people realize. Gen Z is changing the world with their fresh ideas, tech smarts, and big hearts.