25 Fun Family Traditions You Should Start This Year

Family traditions are a wonderful way to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. They give everyone something to look forward to and help make each day special. Here are 25 fun family traditions you can start this year.

1. Have a Weekly Game Night

Image credit: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Choose one night to gather and play board games or card games together each week. This is a great way to have fun, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company. Everyone can take turns picking the game. It’s a fun way to end the week.

2. Cook Together on Sundays

Image credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

Spend Sunday afternoons cooking a meal together as a family. Pick recipes that everyone enjoys and assign tasks to each family member. Cooking together teaches valuable skills and creates delicious memories. Plus, you get to enjoy a tasty meal afterward!

3. Go for a Nature Walk

Image credit: Kai-Chieh Chan/Pexels

Take a regular walk in a nearby park or nature trail. Nature walks are a great way to get exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Along the way, you can look for interesting plants, animals, or rocks. It’s also a good time to talk and catch up with each other.

4. Host a Monthly Movie Night

Image credit: Ron Lach/Pexels

Pick a night each month to watch a movie together. Take turns choosing the movie so everyone can watch their favorite. Make popcorn and snacks to enjoy during the film. It’s a cozy way to spend an evening together.

5. Celebrate “You” Day

Image credit: fauxels/Pexels

Celebrate each family member by having a special “You” day once a year. On this day, the honored person can choose meals, activities, and how the day is spent. It’s a fun way to make each person feel special and appreciated.

6. Create a Family Scrapbook

Image credit: Ahmet Taha Kocyigit/Pexels

Start a scrapbook where you can keep photos, drawings, and notes about family events and milestones. Working on the scrapbook together can be a fun project, and is a great way to preserve memories. Looking back through the scrapbook will always bring smiles.

7. Plan a Yearly Family Trip

Image credit: Dušan Cvetanović/Pexels

Choose a destination and plan a trip once a year. It could be visiting a new city, a beach, or even a camping trip. Traveling together creates exciting adventures and lifelong memories. Planning the trip can be just as fun as going on it.

8. Have a Book Club

Image credit: cottonbro studio/Pexels

Start a family book club where you all read the same book and then discuss it. Choose books that are suitable for everyone’s age. Discussing books helps improve reading skills and fosters a love of literature. It’s also a great way to learn new things together.

9. Hold a Monthly Talent Show

Image credit: Monica Silvestre/Pexels

Have a talent show each month where everyone can showcase their skills. Everyone gets a chance to shine, Whether singing, dancing, magic tricks or telling jokes. It’s a fun way to encourage creativity and celebrate each other’s talents. Don’t forget to clap and cheer for everyone!

10. Volunteer Together

Image credit: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Choose a cause and volunteer together as a family. Helping others can be a rewarding experience and teach empathy and compassion. Volunteering together could be anything from helping at a local shelter to cleaning up a park.

11. Start a Family Garden

Image credit: Iqx Azmi/Pexels

Plant a garden in your backyard and work on it together. Growing fruits, vegetables, or flowers can be fun and educational. Everyone can help with planting, watering, and harvesting. Enjoying the fruits of your labor together is very rewarding.

12. Write Letters to Each Other

Image credit: Diana Light/Pexels

Write letters or notes to each other and put them in a special family mailbox. Reading these letters can bring joy and laughter. It’s a wonderful way to express feelings and share thoughts. This tradition can continue for years and become a treasured family activity.

13. Host a Seasonal Party

Image credit: Nicole Michalou/Pexels

Celebrate each season with a special party. Decorate the house, prepare seasonal foods, and enjoy themed activities. For example, a summer barbecue, a fall harvest party, a winter holiday gathering, and a spring picnic. These parties create excitement and anticipation throughout the year.

14. Bake Cookies Together

Image credit: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Choose a day to bake cookies together as a family. Everyone can help with mixing, shaping, and decorating the cookies. Baking together can be a lot of fun, and the results are delicious. Share the cookies with friends and neighbors to spread the joy.

15. Have a Family Storytelling Night

Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Sit together and take turns telling stories, whether they are made-up or real-life experiences. This can be a fun way to learn more about each other and use your imagination. Include funny, scary, or adventurous tales. Storytelling nights create a special bond and lots of laughter.

16. Create a Family Playlist

Image credit: Matthias Groeneveld/Pexels

Compile a playlist of everyone’s favorite songs, and listen to the playlist during road trips, family gatherings, or while doing chores together. Music can bring joy and create a happy atmosphere. It’s a simple but meaningful tradition that everyone can enjoy.

17. Make Handmade Gifts

Image credit: Nerosable/Pexels

Create handmade gifts for each other during special occasions like birthdays or holidays. These gifts include drawings, crafts, baked goods, or personalized items. Making gifts shows thoughtfulness and effort.

18. Celebrate Half-Birthdays

Image credit: Markus Spiske/Pexels

Celebrate half-birthdays with a small treat or surprise. It doesn’t have to be a big party, just something simple to acknowledge the day. This can be a fun way to celebrate each person twice a year. Half-birthday celebrations add a little extra fun to the calendar.

19. Have a Puzzle Night

Image credit: Tara Winstead/Pexels

Set aside an evening to work on a jigsaw puzzle together. Puzzles can be a fun challenge and a great way to spend time together. Everyone can contribute and work towards completing the picture. Puzzle nights are relaxing and promote teamwork.

20. Do a Family Craft Project

Image credit: Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels

Choose a craft project everyone can participate in, like making decorations or creating artwork. Working on a craft together encourages creativity and cooperation. Display the finished projects around your home. Crafts are a great way to spend quality time together.

21. Start a Gratitude Jar

Image credit: lil artsy/Pexels

Keep a jar where everyone can write down things they are grateful for and add them to the jar. At the end of the year, read through all the notes together. This practice helps foster a positive attitude and appreciation for each other.

22. Host a Family Dance Party

Image credit: Kampus Production/Pexels

Turn on some music and have a dance party in your living room. Dancing is a great way to have fun and get some exercise. Plus, everyone can show off their dance moves and enjoy the music.

23. Enjoy a Breakfast Tradition

Image credit: Emrah Tolu/Pexels

Choose a special breakfast to make together every weekend. It could be pancakes, waffles, or any favorite dish. Cooking and eating breakfast together sets a positive tone for the day. Weekend breakfasts have become a delicious and anticipated tradition.

24. Play Outside Together

Image credit: Ron Lach/Pexels

Take time to play outside, whether it’s playing catch, riding bikes, or having a picnic. Outdoor activities are healthy and enjoyable for everyone. It’s a great way to bond and appreciate nature. Playing outside together brings plenty of sunshine and smiles.

25. Reflect on the Week

Image credit: Lázaro Revoledo/Pexels

At the end of each week, sit down as a family and talk about the highlights and challenges of the past week. This reflection encourages open communication and support, as everyone can share and listen to each other. Reflecting on the week helps strengthen family connections.

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.