9 Strange Things Canadians Do for Fun

Ever wonder what Canadians do for fun when they’re not busy apologizing or drinking maple syrup? Well, it turns out our neighbors to the north have some pretty wild ways of having a good time. From freezing cold sports to weird food challenges, Canadians know how to keep things interesting.

In this article, I discuss 9 strange things Canadians do for fun. These aren’t your average hockey games or Tim Hortons runs – we’re talking about the kind of activities that might make you scratch your head

Polar Bear Dips

Image Credit: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Canadians jump into freezing lakes or oceans on New Year’s Day. They often dress up in funny costumes before taking the plunge. Some do it to raise money for charity, while others just enjoy the thrill. It’s like a very cold, very Canadian way to start the year.

Maple Syrup Festivals

Image Credit: Pixabay from Pexels

Whole towns celebrate when maple sap starts flowing in spring. People gather to watch syrup being made and eat lots of maple-flavored foods. There are often pancake eating contests and syrup chugging races. It’s sticky, sweet, and very Canadian.

Axe Throwing Leagues

Image Credit: Robert Hell from Pixabay

Canadians have turned throwing axes at targets into a competitive sport. They form teams and play in special axe throwing venues. There are even professional leagues with TV coverage. It’s like darts, but much more dangerous and exciting.

Ice Canoe Racing

Image Credit: Dominick Vietor from Pixabay

Teams race canoes across icy rivers, alternating between paddling and pushing the boat over ice. It’s a tough sport that requires strength and teamwork. Races can last for hours in freezing conditions. Only Canadians would think canoeing on ice is fun!

Butter Tart Trails

Image Credit: rodeopix from Pixabay

People drive around sampling different butter tarts from bakeries and cafes. There are official butter tart trails with maps and everything. Some folks try to eat as many different tarts as they can in one day. It’s like a sweet, gooey treasure hunt.

Also read 11 Weird Yet Fascinating Canadian Traditions

Cardboard Boat Races

Image Credit: JustynaKoniecz from Pixabay

Canadians build boats entirely out of cardboard and duct tape, then race them. The goal is to cross a lake before the boat falls apart. Many boats sink, but that’s part of the fun. It’s a wacky mix of engineering and swimming.

Moose Calling Contests

Image Credit: mayos950 from Pixabay

People compete to see who can make the best moose mating call. They use their voices or special instruments to sound like a lovelorn moose. Judges decide whose call would attract the most moose. It’s loud, funny, and very Canadian.

Bathtub Racing

Image Credit: L2M1507 from Pixabay

Canadians race modified bathtubs in the ocean. The tubs are fitted with motors and safety gear. Racers zoom across the water in their bathtubs, hoping not to sink. It’s like a very weird version of speedboat racing.

Poutine Eating Contests

Image Credit: Larry White from Pixabay

Competitors try to eat as much poutine (fries with gravy and cheese curds) as possible. Some contests last for hours, with breaks to prevent overeating. The winners get bragging rights and usually a bad stomachache. It’s a cheesy, gravy-soaked challenge that only Canadians could invent.

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Mary Apurong

Mary Apurong is an experienced writer and editor who enjoys researching topics related to lifestyle and creating content on gardening, food, travel, crafts, and DIY. She spends her free time doing digital art and watching documentaries. Checkout some of her works on Mastermind Quotes.