Ontario Trillium Benefit Payment Dates in 2025

The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) provides essential financial support to Ontario residents through monthly payments that combine several provincial credits. This comprehensive program merges the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, the Northern Ontario Energy Credit, and the Ontario Sales Tax Credit into a single convenient payment.

The monthly payments follow a reliable pattern, typically arriving near the 10th of each month, though specific dates may adjust slightly for weekends and holidays. Read on for all the details.

January Ontario Trillium Distribution

Image Credit: Jack Sparrow from Pexels

The first OTB payment of 2025 arrives in accounts on January 10. This payment reflects any new adjustments based on the previous year’s tax return information. Direct deposits appear in bank accounts on the scheduled date, while paper checks may take additional days for delivery. Recipients should verify their payment matches the amount shown on their most recent benefit notice.

February OTB Disbursement

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February payments are processed for deposit on February 10, 2025. The standard monthly amount continues unless recent changes affect eligibility. Recipients living in northern Ontario may notice their increased energy credit portion during this winter month.

March Payment Processing

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March benefits arrive in accounts on March 10, 2025. The payment includes all applicable credits based on individual eligibility factors. Northern residents continue receiving their enhanced energy credit amount. Property tax credit portions reflect housing expenses claimed on previous tax returns.

April OTB Payment

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April 10 brings the next scheduled payment to recipients. Unless changes have been reported, the amount maintains consistency with previous months.

May Payment Delivery

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The May benefit arrives in bank accounts on May 9th, bringing continued support as spring energy needs change. The benefit combines all eligible credits into one convenient deposit. Recipients can verify their payment details through their online CRA account.

June Benefit Processing

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June payments are processed for deposit on June 10, marking the halfway point of the benefit year. This payment reflects any adjustments based on recently processed tax returns. The benefit amount includes property tax credits for eligible housing expenses. Northern Ontario residents continue receiving their enhanced energy credit portion.

July OTB Payment

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July brings the next scheduled payment on the 10th, maintaining the reliable monthly pattern. This payment may reflect new benefit calculations based on the previous year’s tax return. The Ontario Sales Tax Credit portion helps offset the impact of sales tax on everyday purchases.

August Benefit Payment

Image Credit: Tima Miroshnichenko

August 8th delivers another consistent monthly payment to eligible recipients. The benefit continues supporting housing costs through the property tax credit component. Energy credits help with summer cooling expenses. Northern residents receive additional supplements for higher energy costs.

September Payment Schedule

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September payments arrive on the 10th, providing steady support as seasonal expenses change. The benefit maintains its comprehensive coverage of sales tax, property tax, and energy costs. Direct deposits ensure quick access to funds. Paper check recipients should allow extra time for mail delivery.

October Distribution Timeline

Image Credit: Cup of Couple from Pexels

October 10 brings another monthly OTB payment to recipients. To update your payment details, visit your CRA MyAccount dashboard.

November Payment Processing

Image Credit: Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

November Ontario Trillium benefits process for deposit on November 10th.

OTB December Payment

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The final payment for 2025 arrives on December 10, completing the yearly cycle. Recipients should review their benefit details for the upcoming year and report any changes in circumstances promptly to ensure accurate future payments.

Trillium Program Information

Image Credit: Joshua Woroniecki from Pexels

The Ontario Trillium Benefit combines three distinct credits to simplify the payment process for recipients. Each component addresses specific costs faced by Ontario residents. The program automatically adjusts payment amounts based on individual circumstances. Regular tax filing ensures continued eligibility for all benefit components.

Annual Tax Filing Requirements

Image Credit: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

To maintain benefit eligibility, recipients must file their Ontario tax returns by the deadline. The previous year’s tax information determines benefit amounts for the following year, and income changes may affect benefit calculations.

Benefit Amount Changes

Image Credit: PiggyBank on Unsplash

Life changes may affect monthly payment amounts throughout the year. Moving within Ontario might change energy credit eligibility. Property tax credit amounts adjust with housing expense changes. Recipients should report significant changes promptly.

RRSP Beneficiary Designations

Image Credit: Magnet.me on Unsplash

RRSP Beneficiary Designations

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Image Credit: “Dollarama in Toronto – 20200107” by Sikander Iqbal is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=openverse.

15 Things I Avoid Buying From Dollarama

Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.