13 Controversial Christian Practices That Stray From Jesus’ Teachings

I’ve often wondered if some of the things we do in church today really match up with what Jesus taught. It’s a tricky subject, but one I think we need to talk about. After all, shouldn’t our practices line up with the teachings of the guy we’re following?

In this article, I’m going to discuss 13 practices that have become common in some Christian circles, but might not sit well with Jesus’ original message. I’m not here to judge anyone, but to get us thinking about how we live out our faith.

Prosperity Gospel

Image Credit:  Tep Ro from Pixabay

This teaching says that God wants all Christians to be rich. It often claims that if you have enough faith and give money to the church, God will make you wealthy. But Jesus taught about giving to the poor, not getting rich. He said it’s hard for rich people to enter God’s kingdom.

Judging Others

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Some Christians are quick to point out other people’s faults. They might gossip or look down on those who don’t follow their rules. But Jesus warned against judging others and told us to look at our own faults first. He taught love and forgiveness instead.

Mixing Politics and Religion

Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Many churches push certain political views as part of their faith. They might tell people how to vote or treat political issues like religious ones. But Jesus didn’t try to change the government of his time. He focused on changing hearts and helping people.

Neglecting the Poor

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Some churches spend lots of money on fancy buildings or programs for their members. They might not help poor people in their community very much. Jesus spent most of his time with the poor and told his followers to care for those in need.

Hatred Towards LGBTQ+ People

Image Credit: Mircea Iancu from Pixabay

Some Christians show hatred or fear towards LGBTQ+ people. They might exclude them from church or say mean things about them. But Jesus taught us to love everyone, even those who are different from us. He spent time with people others rejected.

Using Fear to Convert People

Image Credit: Couleur from Pixabay

Some preachers try to scare people into becoming Christian. They might focus on hell or God’s punishment. But Jesus mostly talked about God’s love and forgiveness. He invited people to follow him, not scaring them into it.

Ignoring Environmental Issues

Image Credit: FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

Some Christians don’t care much about protecting nature. They might think it doesn’t matter because Jesus is coming back soon. But God put humans in charge of taking care of the Earth. Jesus often used nature in his teachings and clearly valued God’s creation.

Focusing on Rules Instead of Relationships

Image Credit: Bob Dmyt from Pixabay

Some churches are very strict about following lots of rules. They might care more about how people dress or act than about loving others. But Jesus often broke religious rules to help people. He said loving God and others was more important than rules.

Worshipping Church Leaders

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Some Christians treat their pastors or leaders like celebrities. They might follow everything the leader says without question. But Jesus taught that he was the only one we should follow completely. He warned about false teachers who might lead people astray.

Excluding Certain Groups

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Some churches don’t welcome people who are different from them. This might be because of race, social class, or other reasons. But Jesus welcomed everyone, especially those that society rejected. He taught that God’s love is for all people.

Using Christianity for Personal Gain

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Some people use their faith to get money, power, or fame. They might start churches or ministries just to get rich. But Jesus taught his followers to be humble servants. He warned about people who use religion for their own benefit.

Lack of Forgiveness

Image Credit: Ri Butov from Pixabay

Some Christians hold grudges or refuse to forgive those who hurt them. They might even celebrate when bad things happen to their enemies. But Jesus taught us to forgive others, even our enemies. He even forgave the people who were killing him.

Ignoring Jesus’ Teachings on Non-Violence

Image Credit: falco from Pixabay

Some Christians support war or violence in God’s name. They might think it’s okay to hurt others to protect their faith or country. But Jesus taught us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. He stopped his followers from using violence, even to protect him.

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.