15 Things Canadians Insist Must Become Illegal

Do you ever look around and think, “Why is that still allowed?” Well, you’re not alone! We’ve asked people all over the country what they think should be against the law, and we’ve got quite the list.

From things that bug us on the road to stuff that just doesn’t make sense, Canadians have spoken up about what they want to see gone for good.

Talking loudly on the phone in public

You’re trying to enjoy a peaceful meal at a restaurant, but the person at the next table is practically shouting into their phone. Or they disrupt your quiet ride on the subway. It’s rude and disruptive to everyone else.

While it’s not technically illegal, it’s a major annoyance that many Canadians would love to see banned. Let’s make it socially unacceptable to have loud phone conversations in public spaces.

Image credit: Maridav/Depositphotos

Not cleaning up after your dog

Stepping in a pile of dog poop is not only gross but also unhygienic and can spread diseases. Many cities have bylaws that require dog owners to clean up after their pets, but it’s not always enforced.

It’s time to make this a serious offense with hefty fines across the country. Let’s keep our streets and parks clean and safe for everyone.

Slow walking in busy areas

We’ve all been stuck behind a group of people who are taking their sweet time strolling down a crowded sidewalk or shopping mall. It’s frustrating and can make you late for appointments or meetings.

Some cities have even experimented with “fast lanes” for pedestrians. Let’s take it a step further and make it illegal to walk too slowly in busy areas, so everyone can get where they need to go efficiently.

Not signaling before changing lanes

Picture this: you’re driving down the highway when suddenly, the car in front of you swerves into your lane without warning. It’s scary and dangerous, and it’s all because they didn’t use their turn signal.

While it’s already a traffic violation, many drivers still neglect to signal before changing lanes. Let’s increase the penalties for this behavior and make it a more serious offense.

Leaving shopping carts in parking spots

Have you ever arrived at the grocery store and spotted the perfect parking space, only to realize there’s a shopping cart blocking it? It’s a common problem that can be easily solved if everyone took a moment to return their cart to the designated area.

Let’s make it illegal to leave shopping carts in parking spots and encourage everyone to be more considerate.

Image credit: Al Gг/Pixabay

Eating smelly food on public transit

Being stuck on a crowded bus or subway is bad enough, but when the person next to you starts chowing down on a tuna sandwich, it makes the whole ride unpleasant for everyone else.

While it’s not currently illegal, many transit systems have rules against eating on board. Let’s take it a step further and make it a fineable offense to eat strong-smelling food on public transit.

Not cleaning up your table at a food court

You’re at a busy food court, looking for a place to sit and enjoy your lunch. But every table is covered in trash and leftover food from previous diners. It’s gross and unsanitary, and it’s a problem that could be easily solved if everyone took a moment to clean up after themselves.

Hogging the left lane on the highway

We’ve all been there – stuck behind someone who’s cruising along in the left lane at well below the speed limit. It’s frustrating and can cause traffic to back up unnecessarily. While it’s already a traffic violation in some provinces, it’s not always enforced.

Not yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks

Imagine waiting at a crosswalk, but car after car keeps whizzing by without stopping to let you cross. It’s dangerous and can make walking in the city feel like a game of chicken.

While drivers are already required to yield to pedestrians at marked crosswalks, many still don’t. Let’s increase the penalties for failing to yield and make our streets safer for everyone.

Littering in natural areas

Picture this: you’re hiking through a beautiful forest, only to come across a pile of trash left behind by previous visitors. It’s not just unsightly, it’s also harmful to wildlife and the environment. While littering is already illegal, the fines are often too low to be a real deterrent.

Image credit: Sergei Tokmakov, Esq./Pixabay

Parking a gas-powered car in an EV charging spot

As electric vehicles become more common on Canadian roads, so do the designated charging spots for them. However, some people take advantage of these spots, parking their gas-powered cars there for convenience, even when they don’t need to charge.

This not only takes up valuable space for electric vehicle owners who need to charge their cars but also defeats the purpose of having dedicated charging infrastructure.

Not cleaning up after your picnic

Having a lovely picnic in the park is a great way to spend a summer day, but when you go to find a spot to sit and realize that the previous group left all their trash behind, it ruins the experience for everyone else.

It’s rude and it’s a problem that could be easily solved if everyone took a moment to clean up after themselves.

Blocking the sidewalk with your car

Walking down the sidewalk shouldn’t be an obstacle course, but when cars are parked blocking the way, it can be annoying and even dangerous, especially for people with mobility issues.

While it’s already a parking violation in most cities, it’s not always enforced. Let’s make it a more serious offense and keep our sidewalks clear for pedestrians.

Not shoveling your sidewalk

You’re trying to walk to work after a big snowstorm, but the sidewalks are covered in snow and ice because your neighbors didn’t bother to shovel. It’s dangerous and can lead to slips and falls. While some cities have bylaws requiring property owners to clear their sidewalks, it’s usually a slap on the wrist.

Smoking in public parks

Enjoying a nice day in the park is a favorite pastime for many Canadians, but when the air is filled with cigarette smoke from other visitors, it can be unpleasant and harmful to your health.

While smoking is already banned in many public places, parks are often overlooked. Let’s make it illegal to smoke in all public parks and create a healthier environment for everyone.


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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.