22 Fascinating Facts About the Ocean You Didn’t Know

Ever wondered what secrets lie beneath the waves? Our oceans are full of mystery and wonder, covering more than 70% of Earth’s surface. From the deepest trenches to the bustling coral reefs, there’s a whole world down there that most of us have never seen.

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Below, I discuss 18 intriguing facts about the ocean that will blow your mind.

1. Deepest Point

The Mariana Trench is the deepest known part of the ocean. It’s so deep that Mount Everest could fit inside with room to spare. The pressure at the bottom is like having 50 jumbo jets on top of you. Only a few people have ever been to the very bottom.

2. Unexplored Territory

We’ve mapped less than 20% of the ocean floor. There’s more detailed maps of Mars than of our own seafloor. New species are discovered in the ocean all the time. We might find cures for diseases or new energy sources in unexplored ocean areas.

3. Underwater Waterfalls

The biggest waterfall in the world is underwater in the Denmark Strait. It’s 11,500 feet tall, which is more than 3 times the height of Angel Falls. Cold water from the Arctic falls into warmer Atlantic water. This underwater waterfall helps drive ocean currents.

4. Glowing Waves

Some beaches have waves that glow blue at night. This is caused by tiny sea creatures called phytoplankton. They light up when the water moves around them. It’s like nature’s own light show!

5. Ocean Mountains

The ocean has huge mountain ranges, just like on land. The longest mountain range on Earth is actually underwater. It’s called the Mid-Ocean Ridge and it goes around the whole planet. These underwater mountains can be taller than ones on land.

6. Loud Whales

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Blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth. Their calls can be louder than a jet engine. These sounds can travel for hundreds of miles underwater. Whales use these loud noises to talk to each other across huge distances.

7. Hidden Rivers

There are rivers flowing under the sea. They’re made of salt water that’s denser than the water around them. These underwater rivers have their own banks and even waterfalls. Fish and other sea creatures use these rivers like highways.

8. Plastic Problem

There’s a huge patch of garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean. It’s mostly made up of tiny pieces of plastic. This trash patch is bigger than the state of Texas. It’s harmful to sea life and shows how much we need to reduce plastic use.

9. Ancient Waters

Some of the water in the ocean is billions of years old. It’s older than the dinosaurs and even older than Earth itself. This ancient water came from comets and asteroids that hit Earth long ago. Every time you swim in the ocean, you’re touching a piece of history!

10. Ocean Gold

There’s gold dissolved in seawater. The oceans hold about 20 million tons of gold. But it’s spread out so much that it’s hard to get. If we could collect it all, there would be enough for everyone on Earth to have 9 pounds of gold!

11. Colorful Corals

Photo credit: wanzi989813/Pixabay

Coral reefs are like underwater cities for fish and other sea creatures. They come in many bright colors and shapes. Coral reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean floor but are home to 25% of all marine life. They’re important for ocean health but are in danger from pollution and climate change.

12. Ice That Burns

Photo credit: Survivor/Pixabay

There’s a type of ice in the deep ocean that can catch fire. It’s called methane hydrate or “fire ice”. This ice traps methane gas inside it. Scientists think there might be more energy stored in fire ice than in all other fossil fuels combined.

13. Salty Seas

The ocean is salty because of rocks on land. Rain slowly breaks down rocks and carries tiny bits to the sea. The salt builds up over time because it doesn’t evaporate with water. If you took all the salt out of the ocean, it could cover all the land on Earth with a layer 500 feet thick!

14. Underwater Lakes

There are lakes and rivers at the bottom of the ocean. These are made of water that’s much saltier than regular seawater. They have their own shorelines and even waves. Some sea creatures live only in these underwater lakes.

15. Ocean Weather

The ocean has its own weather patterns, including underwater tornadoes and hurricanes. These are called eddies and can last for months. They move nutrients around and affect sea life. Big eddies can even be seen from space!

16. Loud Ocean

The ocean is a noisy place. Sounds underwater can travel for miles. Shrimp snaps, whale songs, and even rain on the surface make noise. All this sound can be a problem for sea animals that use noise to find food or mates.

17. Living Fossils

Photo credit: Makro_Wayland/Pixabay

Some sea creatures haven’t changed much in millions of years. The horseshoe crab has been around for 450 million years. Coelacanth fish were thought to be extinct until one was found in 1938. These “living fossils” help scientists learn about ancient oceans.

18. Healing Waters

Many medicines come from the ocean. Sea sponges, corals, and other sea life make chemicals that can fight cancer and other diseases. Scientists are always looking for new ocean creatures that might help make medicines. The ocean could hold cures we haven’t found yet!


The ocean is even more amazing than we thought! From glowing waves to underwater waterfalls, there’s so much to discover beneath the surface.

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.