9 Awkward Questions to Avoid on a First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking – you want to make a good impression but avoid any awkward moments that could ruin your chances of scoring a second date. While engaging questions are key to keeping conversation flowing, some topics are best avoided if you hope to see this person again.

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If you want to boost your odds of being asked out again, steer clear of these 9 questions on that all-important first date.

1. How Much Money Do You Make?

This is an invasive question about someone’s personal finances. It can make your date feel judged or mistrustful of your intentions. Unless you’re discussing affordable date ideas, avoid money talk altogether. There are more interesting topics to bond over.

2. Why Are You Still Single? 

Asking why someone is unattached can come across as judgmental or make them feel inadequate. Everyone has their own dating journey – this question is better left unasked. Focus the conversation on more positive notes.

3. How Many Kids Do You Want?

Photo credit: Gilmanshin/Pixabay

Questions about future family planning are much too heavy for a first date. You’re just getting to know this person – bringing up kids could scare them off. Save this topic for much later when you’re in an established relationship.

4. What’s Your Crazy Ex Story?

Bonding over funny past relationship stories is one thing, but steering the chat toward “crazy” exes promotes negativity. Keep things light. There’s no need to drag up unpleasant ex drama yet.

5. Are You Religious or Political?

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Anything involving deeply-held beliefs or ideologies could quickly turn controversial or confrontational on a first date. These weighty subjects are better saved once you’ve established trust and rapport with someone.

6. Have You Been Tested for STDs?

While sexual health is important, this question is way too personal for a first encounter. It implies intimacy may happen soon which can make your date uncomfortable. Discuss sexual health later once you’ve established boundaries.

7. What Do Your Parents Do?

This seems like an innocent query, but it could inadvertently bring up sensitive family situations you know nothing about yet. Stick to asking about your date’s own career and interests first.

8. What’s The Worst Dating Experience You’ve Had?

Negative dating war stories can be hilarious – when you’ve gotten to know someone better. On a first date, these anecdotes might make you seem jaded or paint an unflattering picture.

9. Where Do You See This Going?

Photo credit: Surprising_SnapShots/Pixabay

Questions about your romantic future or level of interest make huge assumptions for a first meeting. You’re still feeling things out, so avoid coming on too strong. Keep an open, relaxed mindset.

Final Thoughts

First dates should be light, fun and focused on getting to know each other better. Asking overly personal or heavy questions can quickly turn someone off and ruin your chances at a second date.

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Photo credit: Roman_Dubetskyi/Depositphotos

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Joy Fadogba

Joy Fadogba is a passionate writer who has spent over a decade exploring and writing about lifestyle topics. With a fondness for quotes and the little details that make life extraordinary, she writes content that not only entertains but also enriches the lives of those who read her blogs. You can find her writing on Mastermind Quotes and on her personal blog. When she is not writing, she is reading a book, gardening, or travelling.